7 Top Pregnancy Symptoms - A New Generation

7 Top Pregnancy Symptoms

Every woman’s pregnancy experience is as unique as she is. One woman may feel every symptom immediately, while another feels nothing for months. There have even been situations where some women don’t realize they’re pregnant until they deliver a baby! From a missed period to moodiness, here are the top 7 pregnancy symptoms you may experience.

#1: A Missed Period

A missed period is usually the first symptom of pregnancy, although there can be a change in a woman’s monthly cycle for other reasons. If you typically have an irregular menstrual cycle, it can be difficult to tell.

#2: The Frequent Need to Urinate

During pregnancy, your body increases its blood supply. This increase causes the kidneys to process extra fluid in the bladder, which ultimately causes the need to urinate more often.

#3: Tender, Swollen Breasts

The increase in hormones causes your breasts to feel more sensitive and sore. You may notice your breasts have gotten larger, and your bra feels tighter than usual.

#4: Fatigue

High levels of progesterone may cause you to feel exhausted. Like other symptoms, this one tends to go away after the first trimester but may return in the third.

#5: Nausea With or Without Vomiting

Although it’s called morning sickness, nausea can happen at any time of the day or night. Once again, pregnancy hormones likely cause the feeling. There are various levels of nausea. Some women vomit due to nausea. Other women feel nauseous but never vomit.

#6:  Mood Swings

Hormonal changes can cause moodiness. You may find yourself unusually emotional and weepy. Mood swings can occur throughout your pregnancy. 

#7: Light Spotting

You may think light spotting is cause for concern, but it is actually quite common. Light spotting is also called implantation bleeding. It happens when the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus.

Are You Wondering if You Are Pregnant?

If you recognize any of the symptoms above, it is time to visit A New Generation for a free lab-quality pregnancy test. A nurse will determine your eligibility for a free limited obstetrical ultrasound if your test is positive.

  •  A Pregnancy test by itself only indicates the possibility of pregnancy. An ultrasound verifies if the pregnancy is viable (developing with a detectable heartbeat). Experts estimate up to 26% of all pregnancies end in a miscarriage. It’s possible to get a positive pregnancy test result even after a miscarriage.
  • An ultrasound also determines how far along you are in your pregnancy and where it is located. Don’t skip this vital step.

Schedule an appointment at A New Generation for your free pregnancy test and ultrasound. We promise you will be seen, be heard, and be valued.

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